Search results (797)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- Energy 0360-5442 1873-6785 Elsevier 200
- Energy Conversion and Management 0196-8904 1879-2227 Elsevier 200
- Energy Conversion and Management: X 2590-1745 20
- Energy & Fuels 0887-0624 1520-5029 American Chemical Society 100
- Energy Storage Materials 2405-8297 Elsevier 200
- Energy Technology 2194-4296 Wiley 100
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 0955-7997 1873-197X Elsevier 100
- Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) 2539-6161 2539-6218 Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University (KKU) 20
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 0952-1976 1873-6769 Elsevier 140
- Engineering Computations 0264-4401 1758-7077 Emerald 70
- Engineering Economics 1392-2785 2029-5839 Kaunas University of Technology 70
- Engineering Failure Analysis 1350-6307 1873-1961 Elsevier 100
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics 0013-7944 1873-7315 Elsevier 140
- Engineering Management in Production and Services 2543-6597 2543-912X Bialystok University of Technology Faculty of Engineering Management 70
- Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 1029-0273 Taylor & Francis 70
- Engineering Review 1330-9587 1849-0433 40
- Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 2215-0986 Elsevier 100
- Engineering Structures 0141-0296 1873-7323 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Engineering Transactions 0867-888X 2450-8071 Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN 70
- Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management 2215-1532 Elsevier 140
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research 0944-1344 1614-7499 Springer 100
- Environmental Science & Technology 0013-936X 1520-5851 ACS Publications 140
- E-Polymers 1618-7229 De Gruyter 40
- EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education 1305-8215 1305-8223 70
- European Cells & Materials 1473-2262 AO Research Institute Davos 100
- European Food Research and Technology 1438-2377 1438-2385 Springer 70
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering 1751-5254 1751-5262 IJEP - Inderscience Publishers 40
- European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2411-958X 2411-4138 European Center for Science Education and Research 20
- European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 0997-7538 1873-7285 Elsevier 100
- European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217 1872-6860 Elsevier 140
- European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 0018-3768 1436-736X Springer 140
- European Physical Journal B 1434-6028 1434-6036 Springer 40
- European Physical Journal D 1434-6060 1434-6079 Springer Nature 40
- European Physical Journal-Special Topics 1951-6355 1951-6401 Springer 70
- European Polymer Journal 0014-3057 1873-1945 Elsevier 100
- Evolutionary Computation 1063-6560 1530-9304 MIT Press 100
- Experimental Techniques 0732-8818 1747-1567 Springer 70
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 0894-1777 1879-2286 Elsevier 140
- Express Polymer Letters 1788-618X Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Polymer Engineering 100
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 0168-874X 1872-6925 Elsevier 100
- Fluid Dynamics Research 0169-5983 1873-7005 IOP Publishing 70
- Fluid Phase Equilibria 0378-3812 1879-0224 Elsevier 100
- FME Transactions 1451-2092 2406-128X Belgrade University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 70
- Food and Bioproducts Processing 0960-3085 1744-3571 Institution of Chemical Engineers 140
- Food Research International 0963-9969 1873-7145 Elsevier 140
- Foundations of Science 1233-1821 140
- Fractals 0218-348X 1793-6543 World Scientific 100
- Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2296-4185 Frontiers Media S.A., Switzerland 100
- Frontiers in Built Environment 2297-3362 2297-3362 20
- Frontiers in Energy Research 2296-598X Frontiers 100
- Frontiers in Materials 2296-8016 2296-8016 Frontiers Media SA 70
- Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 2297-3079 Frontiers Media S.A., Switzerland 20
- Frontiers of Materials Science 2095-025X 2095-0268 40
- Fuel 0016-2361 1873-7153 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Fuel Processing Technology 0378-3820 1873-7188 Elsevier 140
- Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 1536-383X 1536-4046 Taylor & Francis 40
- Functional Differential Equations 0793-1786 2617-8605 Ariel University, Ariel, ISRAEL 20
- Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1568-4539 1573-2908 Springer US 100
- Gels 2310-2861 MDPI AG 20
- Health Policy and Technology 2211-8837 70
- Heat and Mass Transfer 0947-7411 1432-1181 Springer 70
- Heat Transfer Engineering 0145-7632 1521-0537 Taylor & Francis 70
- Heat Transfer Research 1064-2285 2162-6561 Begell House 40
- High Temperature Material Processes 1093-3611 1940-4360 Begell House 20
- Holzforschung (HF) 0018-3830 1437-434X De Gruyter 100
- Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 1090-8471 1520-6564 70
- Hydrometallurgy 0304-386X 1879-1158 Elsevier Science BV 140
- IEEE Access 2169-3536 IEEE 100
- IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1083-4435 1941-014X IEEE 140
- IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 2329-9266 2329-9274 IEEE 70
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2471-2825 2471-2833 IEEE 20
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine 1066-033X 1941-000X IEEE 140
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine 0883-7554 1558-4402 100
- IEEE Electron Device Letters 0741-3106 140
- IEEE Intelligent Systems 1541-1672 1941-1294 IEEE Computer Society 140
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 1939-1390 1941-1197 IEEE 140
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 1932-4553 1941-0484 IEEE 200
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766 2377-3766 IEEE 200
- IEEE Sensors Journal 1530-437X 1558-1748 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 100
- IEEE Sensors Letters 2475-1472 2475-1472 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 20
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 0018-9286 1558-2523 IEEE 200
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 1943-068X 70
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 0278-0070 1937-4151 IEEE 100
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 1063-6536 1558-0865 IEEE 140
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 0885-8969 1558-0059 IEEE 140
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1063-6706 1941-0034 IEEE 200
- IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 2473-2400 2473-2400 IEEE 20
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1057-7149 1941-0042 IEEE 200
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 1551-3203 1941-0050 IEEE 200
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 0018-9456 1557-9662 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 100
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 0018-9464 1941-0069 IEEE 70
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 0018-9499 1558-1578 IEEE 70
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 1045-9219 1558-2183 IEEE Computer Society 140
- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 0885-8977 1937-4208 IEEE 140
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability 0018-9529 1558-1721 IEEE 140
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1552-3098 1941-0468 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 200
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 0018-9545 1939-9359 IEEE 140
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 1556-6072 1556-6080 IEEE 140
- IET Networks 2047-4954 2047-4962 40
- IET Science, Measurement & Technology 1751-8822 1751-8830 70
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