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Photovoltaic Capacity Management for Investment Effectiveness


[ 1 ] Instytut Logistyki, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[6.6] Management and quality studies

Year of publication


Published in


Journal year: 2024 | Journal volume: vol. 17 | Journal number: iss. 13

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • operations research
  • photovoltaics
  • capacity management
  • profit maximization
  • effectiveness

EN The production of photovoltaic utility varies within the day/night cycle. At night, photovoltaic cells do not produce anything. However, their day-light production, unconsumed on a current basis and exported to the grid, is compensated for with supply from the grid at night. This scheme of exploitation is called net-metering and is considered herein. Solar energy produced by a prosumer and fed into the grid has to be equal to the electricity supplied from the grid at night; otherwise, a shortage or waste of photovoltaic production occurs. The above finding leads us to the proposition for the optimal solution of photovoltaic capacity. We derived a closed-form capacity solution to the maximized non-linear profit function. It solves harmonic and 2-point production functions that vary symmetrically around the mean production. To verify the solution methodology, harmonic and 2-point models from empirical production data are estimated. Then, the solution is presented together with its return rate and internal return rate. The main finding is that the unit cost of the grid electricity, photovoltaic capacity unit cost and exploitation time all affect the total profit and return rate values while not impacting the optimal capacity of the photovoltaics. The optimal capacity depends on the prosumer’s energy consumption volume and on the natural conditions of production captured here by the technology efficiency coefficient estimated from the production time series.

Date of online publication


Pages (from - to)

3194-1 - 3194-14





Article number: 3194

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

Date of Open Access to the publication

1 month after publication

Ministry points / journal


Impact Factor

3 [List 2023]

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