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InterTech 2012 : 5th International Interdisciplinary Technical Conference of Young Scientists, 16-18 May 2012, Poznań, Poland


Rok publikacji


Typ książki

materiały konferencyjne

Język publikacji



Poznań, Polska

Data opublikowania


Organic layers produced using zone-casting technique for application in optoelectronics (s. 17-20)
First-order structural phase transition in perovskite La1-xNdxGa03 solid solutions crystals - Raman spectroscopy characterization (s. 33-36)
Numerical simulations of tunable metamaterial absorbers in the THz range (s. 61-64)
Investigation of dimethacrylate / Nanosilica composites by raman and brillouin spectroscopy (s. 87-90)
Extraction of 1,3-propadediol from aqueous solutions (s. 99-103)
Study on application of high temperature hall sensors to magnetic diagnostics in neutron radiation conditions (s. 159-161)
Change of electric contact resistance of an electromagnetic relay during switching operations without electric load (s. 257-260)
Mocroprocesor temperature neasurement system (s. 261-264)
The spectral distributions of halogen lamps of different power (s. 265-269)
Compensation of encoder inaccuracy in low speed measurements (s. 275-279)
The influence of the Vehicle load on the exhaust emissions (s. 283-287)
Research possibilities and the evaluation of consuming elements of modern injectors of engines about the self-ignition (s. 293-295)
Investigation of adherence of car putty coating to car body sheet (s. 311-314)
Evaluation of forming of the bond type coating-steel substrate by ultrasonic method (s. 315-318)
Theoretical analysis of possibilities of a reduction of exhaust emission in diesel engines fuelled with a mixture of conventional fuel and hydrogen (s. 339-343)

InterTech 2012 : 5th International Interdisciplinary Technical Conference of Young Scientists, 16-18.05.2012, Poznań, Polska

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