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Logistics interpretation of product characteristics of liquefied and compressed natural gas


Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Research in Logistics & Production

Rocznik: 2018 | Tom: vol. 8 | Numer: no. 1

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • product characteristics
  • liquefied natural gas
  • compressed natural gas
  • weight-bulk ratio
  • value-weight ratio
  • substitutability
  • risk characteristics

EN This paper analyzes product characteristics as a factor that affects the activities performed in the logistic channel. The analysis has been conducted for a specific product - natural gas and, in particular its two forms: liquefied and compressed. The features of these two forms are outlined in the context of fuel distribution to end-users. This study aims to structure and expand the existing knowledge about alternative distribution of natural gas to the end users based on an analysis of literary sources and regulations on its carriage by road and rail transport. A comparative analysis of the product characteristics of liquefied and compressed natural gas has been carried out and some basic features concerning logistics activities and logistics costs have been outlined.

Strony (od-do)

39 - 52



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