Review And Criteria for Selecting Open-Source Tools for Managing Wireless Local Networks
[ 1 ] Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Poznańska | [ 2 ] Instytut Sieci Teleinformatycznych, Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Poznańska | [ DW ] applied doctorate phd student | [ S ] student | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
- administration
- open-source
EN This article provides an overview of open source administrative tools for wireless LANs. The following areas of software operation are covered: management, automation, backup and disaster recovery, version and software control, resource mapping, print server, monitoring, authorisation, link performance, log management, ticket management, packet analysis, network scanning and software for routers. The article provides numerous summaries and comparisons and suggests software that could be included in a WLAN administrator’s toolbox.
195 - 209
Artykuł stanowi przedruk wcześniejszego artykułu pt. "How to select a set of open-source WLAN management tools?":