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Advances in Social and Organizational Factors


Year of publication


Book type

scientific monograph

Publication language



Boca Raton, United States

Publisher name

CRC Press

Publisher name from the Ministry list

CRC Press / Balkema

Date of publication


Number of pages




Published in

Book series: Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics

Application of integrated score of ergonomic work conditions (ErgQS) in management of ergonomic hazards in enterprise (p. 184-193)
Influence of application safety and health management systems on manufacturing process formation: a case study (p. 194-204)
Basic technical - organizational criteria forming labour safety in the medium size production (p. 205-214)
Ergonomic characteristic of software for enterprise management systems (p. 279-287)
Human factors and well-balanced improvement of engineering (p. 288-297)
The assessment criteria of the ergonomic quality of anthropotechnical mega-systems (p. 298-306)
Ergonomic engineering of anthropotechnical mega-systems (p. 307-316)
Factors adversely affected the productivity of software designers applying CASE tools (p. 317-326)
Two roads of the ergonomics (p. 390-403)
Ergonimics aspects of CSR in system shaping the quality of work environment (p. 541-550)
Socio-technical integrity in maintenance activities (p. 582-592)
Analysis of changes in work processes (p. 672-681)
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