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Specificity of influence on supply grid of the drill rig converter drives for oil and gas exploration


[ 1 ] Instytut Automatyki i Inżynierii Informatycznej, Wydział Elektryczny, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

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EN In the paper the specific features of influence on supply grid of the drill rig converter drive, exploited by the oil and gas exploration enterprises, are presented. Due to high power and irregular operation of thyristor drives, on the one hand, and the low short-circuit power of the distribution network supplying usually the drill rigs, on the other hand, the serious disturbance arises, after connection the rigs to the distribution line. The problem is analyzed for the real situation of two drill rigs. On the base of measurement material and theoretical analysis related to power and harmonics in the network node, the suitable compensation system is designed, using the special simulation software elaborated at Poznan University of Technology.

Pages (from - to)

166 - 173





2009 Compatibility and Power Electronics, CPE 2009, 6th International Conference-Workshop

Presented on

6th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics, CPE 2009, 20-22.05.2009, Badajoz, Spain

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