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13th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: Advances in Electrochemical Materials Science and Manufacturing, 7-10 April 2013, Pretoria, South Africa

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Performance of electrochemical capacitors with microporous carbon electrodes in new types of aqueous electrolytes (p. 62)
Cyclability improvement of Si/C composites for Li-ion batteries prepared from polyvinyl alcohol (p. 70)
Strategies for enhancing the performance of carbon/carbon supercapacitors in aqueous electrolytes (p. 89)
Novel nanoporous carbons based on tobacco and their electrochemical properties in supercapacitators (p. 117)

13th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) - Advances in Electrochemical Materials Science and Manufacturing, 7-10.04.2013, Pretoria, South Africa

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