Innovative method of the evaluation of multicriterial multicast routing algorithms
[ 1 ] Katedra Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych i Komputerowych, Wydział Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- evaluation
- graph algorithms
- multicast
- QoS
- resource drainage
- routing
EN Theoretical considerations of the multicast Qual-ity of Service (QoS) routing have been a rapidly develop-ing and dynamic research area for years. Several algorithmsderived from different approaches have been proposed, whilethe pool of valid solutions to the problem is steadily grow-ing. When new solutions are compared with their predeces-sors, as much information as possible about their character-istics and differences is needed. Both the graph theory andthe optimization theory provide robust and objective meansof comparing not only algorithms, but also the results theyproduce. However, any possible extension to the compari-son methods is vital and can bring interesting new infor-mation that would eventually lead to innovative conclusions.This article presents a method, derived from practice and ex-perience, that simulates the drainage of resources accumu-lated by consecutive communication allocations. The natureof this comparison is an extension to the classical measure-ment of the success ratio and this creates a context of thecontinuous measure of a success rather than a simple bi-nary value. In this article such a method with regard to al-gorithms optimizing multicast problems for more than twocriteria is used for the first time and leads to an interestingconclusion about the influence of the number of the criteria onthe result.
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