Research on Concentration Levels Depending on the Color and Blinking Frequency of the Marker Using Multiple EEG Channel
[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Mechanicznej, Wydział Budowy Maszyn i Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee | [ D ] phd student
chapter in monograph / paper
- electroencefalography
- brain-computer interfaces
- concentration index
EN This paper presents the research on the concentration index. In the first section authors present general information on their brain-computer interfaces. They presented a system placement of the electrodes on a head and information about the human brain wave frequencies. In the next section the authors have presented the research methodology. They describe a method of carrying out three tests and equipment which they had used during the test. In the next chapter they presented the results of the tests. They have verified which electrodes must be taken into consideration when examining the concentration index. They showed how it affects the color and the frequency blinking marker change on the test results. The authors determined the best frequency for this type of research.
433 - 440
WoS (15)