On Minimaxity of Follow the Leader Strategy in the Stochastic Setting
[ 1 ] Instytut Informatyki, Wydział Informatyki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] pracownik
EN We consider the setting of prediction with expert advice with an additional assumption that each expert generates its losses i.i.d. according to some distribution. We first identify a class of “admissible” strategies, which we call permutation invariant, and show that every strategy outside this class will perform not better than some permutation invariant strategy. We then show that when the losses are binary, a simple Follow the Leader (FL) algorithm is the minimax strategy for this game, where minimaxity is simultaneously achieved for the expected regret, the expected redundancy, and the excess risk. Furthermore, FL has also the smallest regret, redundancy, and excess risk over all permutation invariant prediction strategies, simultaneously for all distributions over binary losses. When the losses are continuous in [0, 1], FL remains minimax only when an additional trick called “loss binarization” is applied.
261 - 275
27th International Conference (ALT 2016), 19-21.10.2016, Bari, Italy