Winning ant wars: evolving a human-competitive game strategy using fitnessless selection
[ 1 ] Instytut Informatyki (II), Wydział Informatyki i Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
EN We tell the story of BrilliAnt, the winner of the Ant Wars contest organized within GECCO’2007, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. The task for the Ant Wars contestants was to evolve a controller for a virtual ant that collects food in a square toroidal grid environment in the presence of a competing ant. BrilliAnt, submitted to the contest by our team, has been evolved through competitive one-population coevolution using genetic programming and a novel fitnessless selection method. In the paper, we detail the evolutionary setup that lead to BrilliAnt’s emergence, assess its human-competitiveness, and describe selected behavioral patterns observed in its strategy.
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