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The adaptation of Polish experience for the development of urban logistics in Ukraine


Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Research in Logistics & Production

Rocznik: 2017 | Tom: vol. 7 | Numer: no. 3

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • urban logistics
  • sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP)
  • sustainable urban logistics plan (SULP)
  • best practice

EN The paper describes the problems of urban logistics and its solutions for the efficient city service and city development. The paper presents the analysis of the main research and pilot projects in urban logistics and Polish participation in these projects. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of urban logistics best practices in the field of people, cargo and information flows in relation to the cost of their implementation. An approach to the implementation of Polish experience in urban logistics in Ukraine is presented. Sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) and sustainable urban logistic plans (SULP) was suggested for Ukrainian cities. Solutions for people movement and cargo flows were proposed. These solutions should be comprehensive and include transport system development strategy including SUMPs and taking into account the development of urban areas.

Strony (od-do)

269 - 279



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