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Selected problems of logistics customer service in the context of the development of omni-channel trade


Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Research in Logistics & Production

Rocznik: 2017 | Tom: vol. 7 | Numer: no. 4

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • trading company
  • wholesale trade
  • multichannel trade
  • multichannel sale
  • omni-channel sale

EN The author has made a multidimensional review of the determinants of retail business strategies in the context of the development of the omni-channel trade concept. The development of ICT and innovation in new omni-channel sales, affect the changes in customer acquisition processes. A customer-oriented trading company must take these changes into account in its customer service strategy and effectively meet new customer needs resulting from these changes. The article concludes with identifying new logistical customer service challenges and proposing operational actions needed to meet these challenges. The development of the omni-channel concept implies the simultaneous use of traditional channels and online channels in sales strategies. In addition, the company uses modern forms of promotion based on electronic channels and social media. These conditions necessitate a change in the architecture of the business enterprise's processes.

Strony (od-do)

327 - 336



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