Exterior Monitoring of Targeted Objects: UAV Platform for Real-Time Identification and Authentication of Livestock
scientific article
- monitoring system
- identification
- machine learning
- IoT
- beacon
- authentication
EN Digitization and automation are transforming traditional systems for monitoring and managing objects in exteriors. Innovative farms are gradually moving in livestock management systems from paper reporting to integrated, shared and autonomous services throughout the livestock live-cycle. Although autonomous monitoring is a reality today, the benefits of autonomous monitoring by unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) for animal identification and authentication do not lie in the herd itself, but in what aerial systems can offer when operated and managed in an integrated ecosystem. At present, UAVs are little used in the agro sector as a concept “mobility-as-a-service” (MaaS), because farmers themselves in the real environment are not able to respond flexibly to technological innovations and adapt to the demand for monitoring and providing authentic data in realtime to the subsidy payment system. The focus of the paper is the presentation of a procedure targeted on design of an objects monitoring system in exterior according to defined parameters with selected main and specific data; taking in the account predefined parameters at the same time, the requirements for technological means and software with the support of machine learning for livestock identification as well as composition of selected technical equipment using the IoT concept with unique beacons for subsequent data processing in the reliable authentication methodology of every monitored objects are defined.
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