Testing covariance structures belonging to a quadratic subspace under a doubly multivariate model
[ 1 ] Instytut Matematyki, Wydział Automatyki, Robotyki i Elektrotechniki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- doubly multivariate model
- covariance structure
- quadratic subspace
- Rao score test
- likelihood ratio test
EN A hypothesis related to the block structure of a covariance matrix under the doubly multivariate normal model is studied. It is assumed that the block structure of the covariance matrix belongs to a quadratic subspace, and under the null hypothesis, each block of the covariance matrix also has a structure belonging to some quadratic subspace. The Rao score and the likelihood ratio test statistics are derived, and the exact distribution of the likelihood ratio test is determined. Simulation studies show the advantage of the Rao score test over the likelihood ratio test in terms of speed of convergence to the limiting chi-square distribution, while both proposed tests are competitive in terms of their power. The results are applied to both simulated and real-life example data.
847 - 876
CC BY (attribution alone)
czasopismo hybrydowe
final published version
at the time of publication
1,2 [List 2023]