Biometric Dental Rosette - Introduction into New Method of Dental Identification
[ 1 ] Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu, Wydział Maszyn Roboczych i Transportu, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
- bitemarks
- biometrics
- forensic odontology
- 3D modeling
- reverse engineering
- CAME - Computer Aided Medical Engineering
EN The hypothesis of the study was that human dentition is unique. This study was performed to analyze whether biometric methods using measurements and proportions are suitable for dental identification. The use of 3D models with specialized systems for computer aided engineering (CAE) and Reverse Engineering (RE) allowed for a number of point surface and volume comparative analyses. “Mapping” was carried out next on the dentition models. This procedure results in a set of curves and points depicting the characteristic features of the teeth and their edges respectively. Based on the “mapping” the so-called “biometric dental rosette” was created for the dentition models. The “biometric dental rosette” was created for maxillary and mandibular dentition models. Every rosette was individual thus unique. The method allowed for positive identification of all the volunteers. The presented studies are of preliminary character, and the continuation is necessary.
226 - 236
WoS (15)