The IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) and IEEE 1900 Working Groups
[ 1 ] Katedra Radiokomunikacji, Wydział Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph
EN The IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) Networks Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) and associated IEEE 1900 working groups are concerned with the standardization of aspects of DySPAN and related technologies such as DSA, Cognitive Radio, and TV white space (TVWS), among others. This chapter overviews IEEE DySPAN-SC and the IEEE 1900 standards working groups, as well as the underlying standards that have been or are being developed in those working groups. A particular aim is to provide detailed commentary on the scopes and purposes of the IEEE 1900 standards, as well as some of the underlying technical solutions that are assumed therein.
649 - 678