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Możliwości wykorzystania wojskowego sprzętu inżynieryjnego do pokonywania przeszkód terenowych


Title variant

EN Possibility of using military engineer equipment to cross terrain obstacles

Year of publication


Published in

Archiwum Instytutu Inżynierii Lądowej

Journal year: 2013 | Journal number: nr 16

Article type

scientific article

Publication language



EN The paper presents functional breakdown of bridging equipment and the ensuing capabilities of employing such equipment by the military and civilian populations. This dual use concerns not only foldable bridges, but also assault bridges, in particular when additional elements which are inserted between treadways are used. The method of crossing narrow obstacles, such as antitank ditches or damaged culverts, as well as broad water obstacles is described. The various applications of different bridging constructions are presented basing on the examples of the Iraqi and Afghani military conflicts. In the civil and logistic support applications foldable and pontoon bridges prevail, whereas over broad, large rivers bridges such as floating variants of the Mabey Logistic Support Bridge - pontoon-based Mabey Floating Bridge - can be most often encountered.

Pages (from - to)

69 - 78

Ministry points / journal


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