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Application of the Continuous Dynamic Absorbers in Local and Global Vibration Reduction Problems in Beams


Year of publication


Published in

Vibrations in Physical Systems

Journal year: 2016 | Journal volume: vol. 27

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • tuned mass damper
  • dynamic vibration absorber
  • continuous absorber
  • beam vibration
  • vibration control

EN The paper deals with the application of the continuous dynamic absorbers in vibration reduction problems in beams. The Euler-Bernoulli beam of variable cross-section is subjected to the concentrated and distributed harmonic excitation forces. The beam is equipped with a system of the continuous vibration absorbers. The problem of the forced vibration is solved employing the Galerkin’s method and Lagrange’s equations of the second kind. Performing time-Laplace transformation the amplitudes of displacement may be written in the frequency domain, similarly the time-averaged kinetic energy of any part of the beam. The results of some local and global vibration control optimization problems concerning the placement and parameters of the continuous vibration absorbers are presented.

Pages (from - to)

245 - 254


License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

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