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The Analysis of the Impact of Different Shape Functions in Tolerance Modeling on Natural Vibrations of the Rectangular Plate with Dense System of the Ribs in Two Directions


Year of publication


Published in

Vibrations in Physical Systems

Journal year: 2016 | Journal volume: vol. 27

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • dynamic
  • tolerance average technique
  • thin plates
  • natural vibrations

EN The main concern of this paper are thin rectangular plates with dense system of the ribs in two directions. The aim of the analysis is the examination of the impact of different shape functions in tolerance modeling on natural vibrations of the plates. The plate is made of two different materials, both for matrix and ribs. The thickness of the plate is comparable to the width of the ribs. This provides a powerful tool for getting a desirable frequency of natural vibrations of the plate. The tolerance averaging approach is the base for the formulation of averaged model equations. The most accurate readings presenting this method are described in Wozniak et al. [1]. By application of the tolerance averaging technique to the known differential equations of considered plates, the averaged equations of the tolerance model have been derived. The general results of the contribution are illustrated using the analysis of natural vibrations. The effect of different shape functions on free vibration frequencies is examined.

Pages (from - to)

301 - 308


License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

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