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Free Vibrations of Non-Prismatic Slender System Subjected to the Follower Force Directed Towards the Positive Pole


Year of publication


Published in

Vibrations in Physical Systems

Journal year: 2016 | Journal volume: vol. 27

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • slender systems
  • non-prismatic systems
  • free vibrations
  • specific load

EN The paper contains the results of theoretical and numerical studies within the scope of kinetic criterion of stability loss of slender non-prismatic column subjected to the follower force directed towards the positive pole (the case of specific load). Shape of the system approximation by a linear function and polynomial of degree 2 was considered. On the basis of the Bernoulli -Euler’s theory, the mechanical energy was defined. The differential equations of motion and natural boundary conditions were determined according to the Hamilton’s principle. The issue of free vibrations was solved using the small parameter method. Within the range of numerical calculations, the changes in the eigenvalues were presented as a function of external load with variable geometrical parameters of the system, including parameters resulting from the shape approximation and parameters of loading structure.

Pages (from - to)

363 - 368


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CC BY (attribution alone)

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