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Quality Management


[ 1 ] Instytut Inżynierii Bezpieczeństwa i Jakości, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Year of publication


Book type

scholarly textbook / script

Publication language



EN Quality is an inseparable element of human life. Philosophers have already devoted their attention to it, trying to name and define this phenomenon. The first records regarding quality can also be found in the Hammurabi Code issued in 1750 BC, where it was ordered to punish a bricklayer with death if a house he had built would collapse and kill the inhabitants. What is quality, how to understand it, how to perceive it, how to care for it, and how to improve it? You will find the answers to all these questions in the handbook I am putting in your hands. The desire to increase the value of enterprises and their ability to compete not only on the domestic market but also abroad has made thinking about quality a natural phenomenon in organizations. How to think about quality without knowing its basics? It is not possible. The manual presents the basic aspects related to quality issues. Various views on defining quality were discussed, including the perception of the pioneers of the field. The development of quality management up to the creation of a quality management system compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard was discussed in detail. This is a very popular standard, not only in Poland but throughout Europe and the world. Its assump-tions and requirements have been explained very precisely. Each point of the standard was discussed in detail, citing many examples from the practice of the organization's functioning. For the problems of quality management in a sys-temic perspective to be well and thoroughly analyzed, the role and essence of standardization of activities in enterprises were indicated. In this way, a great deal of attention was paid to the role of improvement in the remainder of the study. What is the improvement? The specificity of the market in Poland and the world, characterized by ever greater requirements of stakeholders and more and more competition, inspired or even forced enterprises to think in a long-term perspective. This is directly related to the concept of improvement, which in the practice of enterprises is often equated with the principle of continuous improvement, the basic idea of many pro-quality standards. What is my impact on the development of enterprises and maintaining an appropriate level of quali-ty of products and services? These dilemmas were solved by presenting the essence of TQM and Kaizen. For a full understanding of the role and essence of improvement, selected methods and tools of quality management were present-ed, presenting comprehensive descriptions and examples of the use of quality management methods and tools. While only some aspects of the broad issues of quality management are ad-dressed in this handbook, studying this handbook will give you an understand-ing of the basics and is an excellent basis for developing further quality man-agement competencies. The manual is dedicated to students of management and other similar courses, especially those studying in English. It includes a system-ized review of Polish knowledge and scientific approach to quality management accompanied bby y pbytical examples resulting from authe tttheperience in the quality management field. I encourage you to read it. Moreover, I hope that after reading the book the issues of quality will become closer to the reader, more accessible and under-standable, and most importantly, it will be interesting enough to increase the desire to deepen the knowledge on quality management.


Poznań, Polska

Publisher name

Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej

Publisher name from the Ministry list

Politechnika Poznańska

Date of publication


Number of pages





  • quality
  • quality management
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • improvement
  • standardization
  • quality management method and tools
License type


Total point value of monograph


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