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Modelling of the acoustic wave scattering on the aircraft surface using the boundary element method


Year of publication


Published in

Vibrations in Physical Systems

Journal year: 2023 | Journal volume: vol. 34 | Journal number: no. 1

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • sound localization
  • boundary element method
  • sound scattering
  • noise
  • aircraft
  • Smart Acoustics

EN Sound localization tools are important in the environmental protection and the human searches. The article is one of the stages of the implementation of the concept of using aircraft to localize sound sources. The use of a fixed-wing aircraft instead of a multirotor would increase the total flight time, and expand the surveyed area. It is important to determine the most favourable positions of the receivers on the surface of the aircraft. The scattering effects of the sound waves coming from the ground source and aircraft engine on the acoustic field on the aircraft surface are not homogeneous. In the article the authors present the modelling of the scattering of the sound waves over the airplane surface with the usage of boundary element methods. After determining the effects from the sound source on earth and from the aircraft engine the conclusion was made, that the influence from the engine noise is greater than that from the ground source, and in order to localize the low amplitude signals, the aircraft need to glide. Considering only the effects of the ground source, the optimal areas for the microphones placement were determined.

Pages (from - to)

2023107-1 - 2023107-6





article number: 2023107

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

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