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IoT-Based Monitoring the Level of Sustainable Production: A Case of Energy Consumption in Turning Process


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Materiałów, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.9] Mechanical engineering

Year of publication


Chapter type

chapter in monograph / paper

Publication language



EN Sustainable production can be treated as the activities within manufacturing for creating sustainable and economic value. Nowadays managers are looking for new solutions to reduce production costs by increasing energy efficiency. It is possible to improve energy efficiency by managing the machining process based on collected data using the Internet of Things (IoT). To better understand the energy consumption of the machine as Computer Numerical Control (CNC), this article provides research to monitor the energy consumption in real-time using IoT-based sensors on the example of the turning process. The research focuses on the total power consumption of a representative machine CNC within a defined production process. Next, the relationship between energy consumption within the analysed production process and the outdoor and indoor temperature of the production hall was analysed. The recommendations for production managers were defined as an IoT-based energy efficiency monitoring and management system.

Date of online publication


Pages (from - to)

213 - 222





Advances in Manufacturing IV. Volume 3 - Quality Engineering: Digitalization, Sustainability and Industry Applications

Presented on

International Scientific-Technical Conference Manufacturing 2024, 14-16.05.2024, Poznań, Polska

Ministry points / chapter


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