Modelling of Switching Networks with Multi-service Sources and Multicast Connections in the Last Stage
[ 1 ] Instytut Sieci Teleinformatycznych, Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
EN This article proposes a new calculation methods for a determination of traffic characteristics in switching networks with multi-service traffic sources carrying multicast traffic. In the switching networks were implemented two scenarios of selecting subsequent links which belongs to a given multicast connection. The analytical method described in the paper can be used to determine the point-to-point blocking probability in switching networks with multicast connections. In this method, each traffic source can generate calls of different service classes. The proposed calculation method is approximate, therefore the results of calculations are compared with the results of simulation experiments. The simulation results confirm acceptable accuracy of the proposed analytical method.
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