Height of the Countermovement Vertical Jump Determined Based on the Measurements Coming from the Motion Capture System
[ 1 ] Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej, Wydział Budowy Maszyn i Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee | [ S ] student
chapter in monograph / paper
- vertical jump
- countermovement jump
- flight height
- motion capture system
EN A simple and common method for assessing the jumping ability is determination of the jump height during the vertical countermovement jump. However there are different techniques of measurements in biomechanics, e.g. using force plates or accelerometers. In this study the center of jumper’s body is determined based on the motion capture system measurements and Clauser or Zatziorsky formulas. Then the jump height can be obtained in a simple way determining the take-off instant and the peak position instant. In such a case the flight height can be defined as a difference between the position of the center of jumper’s body at these two instants. The results are compared with the jump height obtained based on the force plates measurements, after double integration of the motion equation.
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