Gas-liquid mixing in an unbaffled vessel with a forward-reverse rotating Scaba impeller
[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej, Wydział Technologii Chemicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ D ] phd student | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
EN Mixing is one of the most important unit operations carried out in the chemical, food and related industries. It is still in the research of many scientists because of its high energy consumption. Unsteady mixing with an emphasis on its use in gas-liquid systems is presented. In such a mixing there is no need to use baffles e.g. in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In brewing, even with steady mixing, baffles are not used because it makes the washing process too difficult and affects its frequency. An experiment was conducted for the Scaba 6SRGT to compare the unsteady and steady mixing power in both a singlephase and a two-phase gas-liquid system. One would like to achieve an improvement in mixing power through the use of forward-reverse mixing. Different oscillation frequencies are used for unsteady mixing using a triangular time-course of impeller speed. Using forward-reverse mixing in a single-phase system has caused an increase in mixing power by about 80%. For forward-reverse mixing in the gas-liquid system, lower RPD values are observed compared to steady mixing, which shows greater power decreases caused by gas introduction.
79 - 86