Management of the Human Capital of the Persons with Disabilities in Logistics Organizations
[ 1 ] Instytut Logistyki, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph
- Management
- Logistics companies
- Labor market
- Disabled people
EN For many years the low level of awareness on the subject of the meaning of the social and economic human capital of the disabled persons in many economies has led to annihilation of the actions in the area of its exploration, development and using it with the result which is negative not only for the disabled persons themselves, but also budget of these countries whose discreditable instance is Poland. The first goal of the article is to indicate the essence and importance of managing human capital of disabled people. The second goal of the article is to point out recommendations (based on research) for better management of people with disabilities in logistics companies. The study was applied logit models as a tool reinforcing the decisive processes of management of the human capital of the persons with disabilities. One shall claim that except for the fact of bringing to life the satisfactory array of tools of support of employment of the disabled persons, in the result of the lack of the properly conducted informative policy there takes place a considerable limitation of their role and function.
267 - 275