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Sprężenie zewnętrzne i odbudowa wieloprzęsłowego ciągłego mostu zespolonego nad Dunajcem w Zakliczynie


Wariant tytułu

EN External post-tensioning and rebuilding of multispan, continuous, composite bridge over Dunajec river in Zakliczyn

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Archiwum Instytutu Inżynierii Lądowej

Rocznik: 2013 | Numer: nr 16

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji



EN The paper describes the rebuilding of multi - span, continuous, composite bridge, located along road nr 975 over Dunajec River in Zakliczyn city (Małopolska Voivodeship). The investment is implemented in “design - build” system and BANIMEX Sp. z o. o. is a main contractor. The investement was divided into two stages. This paper presents the second one, where the main task was to strengthen the structure and replace the equipment including road surface. A project of the second stage was delivered by the design office PROMOST Wroclaw sp. z o.o. Sp. k. The paper focuses on strengthening of steel - concrete composite bridge structure. The analyses of several solutions ware performed. The designer in cooperation with the main contractor and investor decided to apply strengthening in the form of three main technical components: 1) new composite reinforced slab, 2) passive strengthening: steel sheets on the bottom of the girders flanges and longitudinal ribs in the area of a bridge piers, 3) active strengthening: external post-tensioning using straight cables.

Strony (od-do)

23 - 35

Punktacja Ministerstwa / czasopismo


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