Logistyka międzynarodowa a uwarunkowania zarządzania małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami branży TSL w Polsce. Wybrane zagadnienia
[ 1 ] Instytut Zarządzania i Systemów Informacyjnych, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
EN International logistics and the conditions of the management of small and medium-sized enterprises in the TSL industry in Poland. Selected issues
scientific article
- sektor MSP
- branża TSL
- logistyka międzynarodowa
- zarządzanie MSP
- europejska polityka logistyczna
- SME sector
- TSL industry
- international logistics
- SME management
- European logistics policy
EN Nowadays, problems related to international logistics are becoming a part of the strategic and operational activities of enterprises. Due to the specificity of their activity, particularly affected are in this respect companies from the TSL industry. The activity and condition of large entities are the subjects of numerous research studies. Management problems in small and medium-sized enterprises, although they account for nearly 98% of the industry in Poland, still require further research. Determinants of the problems of SME management in the TSL industry are the subject of these considerations. The article aims to present these conditions and capture the significance and specificity of the SME sector in Poland against the background of the European Union. This approach applies in particular to external conditions resulting, among others, from the implementation of new regulatory solutions related to the European logistics policy. The study uses the literature review method and analyzes the available industry reports and indicators. Taking into account the specifics of the SME sector and the context of the industry’s development in the international dimension, it becomes important to examine how the conditions presented in the paper influence the issues of enterprise management. An attempt was made to define the most important directions of research in the SME sector resulting from these conditions
115 - 128
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