Comparison of the Principles of Head-Up Display Technologies forthe Implementation of Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industry: A Study
[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Materiałów, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
- Augmented reality
- Head-up display
- Comparison
- Automotive industry
EN In this paper, we present the possibilities of implementing augmented reality in the automotive industry. We will show the directions of augmented reality applications and we focus primarily on head-up displays, specifically on augmented reality head-up displays. In the first part, the chapter presents the use of augmented reality in the automotive industry from research, development, assembly, disassembly to our chosen issue of head-up displays. Subsequently, we presented and compared the three basic principles of head-up displays. The first is a fully graphical head-up display projected on the windshield, the second is a head-up display projected on a retractable translucent screen, and the third type is a head-up display projected from a mobile phone using specific applications. Each of the evaluated technologies has its advantages and disadvantages. This chapter points out the required parameters and possibilities how to increase driving safety and shorten the time when the driver is not engaged in driving. In the end, the individual technical solutions and mobile applications are compared. In this chapter, we try to point out that projecting information about the vehicle and driving significantly simplifies the driving process and allows the driver to focus exclusively on the road.
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