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Comparative analysis of the operation of photovoltaic modules in a fixed and in a two-axis tracking system configuration for the local conditions of the city of Poznan, Poland


[ 1 ] Instytut Elektrotechniki i Elektroniki Przemysłowej, Wydział Elektryczny, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] pracownik

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny. Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa

Rocznik: 2014 | Numer: nr 3

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • tracking unit
  • energy balance
  • efficiency factors
  • fixed unit
  • tilt angle
  • układ nadążny
  • bilans energii
  • współczynniki wydajności
  • układ stacjonarny
  • kąt pochylenia

EN The paper presents a design and realization of a measurement stand consisting of a photovoltaic module operating in a fixed configuration with the tilt angle between the surface and the base set optimally, and in a two- axis tracking configuration positioned astronomically, one that is considered more appropriate for the climate conditions of Poland. Annual electrical energy generated and instantaneous power were analysed comparatively, and relative efficiency factors were determined on the basis of the measurements conducted, including the power consumed for the purposes of the tracking unit control and powering processes. Energy balance performed on the basis of own year - round measurements, allowed to confirm the use of two-axis Sun tracking units for Polish climatic conditions. It also provides the basis for economic balance.

PL The paper presents a design and realization of a measurement stand consisting of a photovoltaic module operating in a fixed configuration with the tilt angle between the surface and the base set optimally, and in a two- axis tracking configuration positioned astronomically, one that is considered more appropriate for the climate conditions of Poland. Annual electrical energy generated and instantaneous power were analysed comparatively, and relative efficiency factors were determined on the basis of the measurements conducted, including the power consumed for the purposes of the tracking unit control and powering processes. Energy balance performed on the basis of own year - round measurements, allowed to confirm the use of two-axis Sun tracking units for Polish climatic conditions. It also provides the basis for economic balance.

Strony (od-do)

482 - 498




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