The Role of Maintenance in Reducing the Negative Impact of a Business on the Environment
[ 1 ] Katedra Ergonomii i Inżynierii Jakości, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph
- maintenance activities
- maintenance performance
- environmental maintenance BSC
EN New concepts of business management (Lean Manufacturing, Green Manufacturing or Sustainable Manufacturing) resulted in modified perception of maintenance. It is no longer a cost centre but a strategic business partner that plays a vital role that helps the organisation to achieve its eco-efficiency goals. Maintenance services have no direct impact on power consumption and other utilities or the amount of generated waste resulting from the applied manufacturing technologies. However, they may actively contribute to the reduction of environmental aspects identified in the organisation and to the improvement of its eco-efficiency. The two areas, maintenance and environment, are inter-dependable, both in terms of results of actions and the effects. What factors are in the responsibility of the maintenance? On what production system components can the activities of maintenance service affect positively?
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