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Measurement of Diameter and Roundness on Incomplete Outline of Element with Three-Lobbing Deviation


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Mechanicznej, Wydział Budowy Maszyn i Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Year of publication


Published in

Procedia Engineering

Journal year: 2014 | Journal volume: vol. 69

Article type

scientific article / paper

Publication language


Pages (from - to)

247 - 254



Presented on

24th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 2013, 23-26.10.2013, Zadar, Croatia

License type

CC BY-NC-ND (attribution - noncommercial - no derivatives)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

Date of Open Access to the publication

at the time of publication

Publication indexed in

WoS (15)

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