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Polyamide 6-Aluminum Assembly Enhanced by Laser Microstructuring


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Materiałów, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ 2 ] Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee | [ SzD ] doctoral school student

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.9] Mechanical engineering

Year of publication


Published in


Journal year: 2022 | Journal volume: vol. 14 | Journal number: iss. 2

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • polyamide 6
  • aluminum
  • hybrid joints
  • overmolding
  • laser structuring
  • mechanical properties

EN The presented work’s aim is the application of low-power laser treatment for the enhancement of interfacial micromechanical adhesion between polyamide 6 (filled with glass fiber) and aluminum. A fiber laser beam was used to prepare micro-patterns on aluminum sheets. The micro-structuring was conducted in the regime of 50, 100, 200 and 300 mm/s laser beam speeds, for both sides. The joining process was realized in an injection molding process. Metallic inserts were surface engraved and overmolded in one-side and two-side configurations. A lap shear test was used to examine the strength of the joints. Engraved metallic surfaces and adequate imprints on polyamide side were checked by optical microscope with motorized stages, and roughness parameters were also determined. Microscopic observations made it possible to describe the grooves’ shape and to conclude that a huge recast melt was formed when the lowest laser beam speed was applied; thus, the roughness parameter Ra reached the highest value of 16.8 μm (compared to 3.5 μm obtained for the fastest laser speed). The maximum shear force was detected for a sample prepared with the lowest scanning speed (one-sides joints), and it was 883 N, while for two-sided joints, the ultimate force was 1410 N (for a scanning speed of 200 mm/s).

Date of online publication


Pages (from - to)

288-1 - 288-17





Article Number: 288

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

Date of Open Access to the publication

at the time of publication

Ministry points / journal


Impact Factor


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