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Assessment of spatial cohesion in suburban areas based on physical characteristics of buildings


[ 1 ] Instytut Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] pracownik

Dyscyplina naukowa (Ustawa 2.0)

[2.1] Architektura i urbanistyka

Wariant tytułu

PL Ocena spójności przestrzennej na obszarach podmiejskich na podstawie cech fizycznych budynków

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Rocznik: 2020 | Numer: no. 41

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • spatial monitoring
  • spatial cohesion
  • spatial order
  • monitoring przestrzeni
  • spójność przestrzenna
  • ład przestrzenny

EN Assessment of spatial cohesion in suburban areas based on physical characteristics of buildings. The rapid expansion of residential buildings in suburban areas currently makes these places particularly exposed to spatial degradation, the disappearance of traditional rural landscapes and other various problems. The lack of archi- tectural and urban cohesion of new and existing buildings is one of the reasons for increasing spa- tial disorder. The subject of the presented research is the physical features of the building forms, which influence spatial order through their role in shaping the spatial context. The authors aimed at creating a method of spatial monitoring based on the characteristics of the physical features of buildings located in a given area. The results of the study are intended to provide in-depth and digestible information on the buildings in indi- vidual areas. They should also enable the partici- pants of the construction process to become better acquainted with the local forms of buildings and raise the architectural awareness of inhabitants.

PL Assessment of spatial cohesion in suburban areas based on physical characteristics of buildings. The rapid expansion of residential buildings in suburban areas currently makes these places particularly exposed to spatial degradation, the disappearance of traditional rural landscapes and other various problems. The lack of architectural and urban cohesion of new and existing buildings is one of the reasons for increasing spatial disorder. The subject of the presented research is the physical features of the building forms, which influence spatial order through their role in shaping the spatial context. The authors aimed at creating a method of spatial monitoring based on the characteristics of the physical features of buildings located in a given area. The results of the study are intended to provide in-depth and digestible information on the buildings in individual areas. They should also enable the participants of the construction process to become better acquainted with the local forms of buildings and raise the architectural awareness of inhabitants.

Strony (od-do)

37 - 49



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