Vibroacoustic Analysis of the Polish Pharmacy Robot Fablox
[ 1 ] Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- noise and vibration measurements
- vibroacoustic analysis
- pharmacy robot
- Fablox
EN This paper describes the vibroacoustic analysis of the Polish pharmacy robots Fablox 1 and 2, as a part of research and development work to build an automated, modular pharmacy robot that meets the requirements of the false directive 2011/62 / EU to counteract the illegal distribution of drugs in the European Union. There were undertaken acoustics and vibration measurements of a pharmacy robot under typical working conditions. Point measurements of a one-third octave spectra of a sound pressure levels and RMS values of acceleration were made at measuring points located in the room and at the pharmacy robot. The acoustic tests were divided according to the location of the measurement points into measurements inside room and noise measurements in the near field of the pharmacy robots. The vibration measurements were made directly on the devices. Based on the analysis of the one-third octave spectra of the noise of the Fablox pharmacy robots, the sound components were determined, which are responsible for achieving high noise levels in room. The acoustic measurements in the near field at a distance of 15 cm from the unloading / front side of the pharmacy robot Fablox 1 and Fablox 2 in room, showed that the arithmetically averaged A-sound level on the measuring surface with closed housing for the movement of the head through all three loading modules is higher for the pharmacy robot Fablox 2 (66.9 dB) by 1.7 dB than the equivalent A-sound level for the Fablox 1 (65.2 dB). Due to the fact that the pharmacy robot is mostly used in the working environment in the pharmacy, the noise it generates has a large impact on employees and customers.
2020312-1 - 2020312-14
Article Number: 2020312
CC BY (attribution alone)
open journal
final published version
at the time of publication