The influence of oxygen dissolved in the diesel fuel on the combustion process and mutual corelation between nitrogen oxide and exhaust gas opacity
[ 1 ] Instytut Silników Spalinowych i Transportu, Wydział Maszyn Roboczych i Transportu, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- spraying processes
- combustion process
- emission
- fuel solution
EN The paper presents a concept of improving the injection and spraying processes with the use of the oxygen dissolved in the diesel fuel and the results of experimental investigations carried out in order to verify it. The combustion process of the direct injection compression-ignition engine being normally performed at a high excess of combustion air factor for the whole engine operation range is affected by local deficiencies of oxygen inside the fuel sprays in a combustion chamber. This fact is one of the main reasons for forming the harmful compounds in exhaust gases such as NO x and PM. The aim of the presented concept is to improve the fuel spray atomization by the release of the oxygen previously dissolved in the fuel. The influence of dissolving the oxygen in the diesel fuel on the run of the combustion process and concentration toxic compounds in exhaust gas has been presented in the paper.
89 - 96