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Deep eutectic solvents with solid supports used in microextraction processes applied for endocrine-disrupting chemicals


[ 1 ] Instytut Chemii i Elektrochemii Technicznej, Wydział Technologii Chemicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] pracownik

Dyscyplina naukowa (Ustawa 2.0)

[7.6] Nauki chemiczne

Rok publikacji


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Rocznik: 2024 | Tom: vol. 268, part 2

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • Endocrine-disrupting chemicals Extraction methods Deep eutectic solvents Solid supports Green analytical chemistry

EN The determination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has become one of the biggest challenges in Analytical Chemistry. Due to the low concentration of these compounds in different kinds of samples, it becomes necessary to employ efficient sample preparation methods and sensitive measurement techniques to achieve low limits of detection. This issue becomes even more struggling when the principles of the Green Analytical Chemistry are added to the equation, since finding an efficient sample preparation method with low damaging properties for health and environment may become laborious. Recently, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been proposed as the most promising green kind of solvents, but also with excellent analytical properties due to the possibility of custom preparation with different components to modify their polarity, viscosity or aromaticity among others. However, conventional extraction techniques using DESs as extraction solvents may not be enough to overcome challenges in analysing trace levels of EDCs. In this sense, combination of DESs with solid supports could be seen as a potential solution to this issue allowing, in different ways, to determine lower concentrations of EDCs. In that aim, the main purpose of this review is the study of the different strategies with solid supports used along with DESs to perform the determination of EDCs, comparing their advantages and drawbacks against conventional DES-based extraction methods.

Data udostępnienia online


Strony (od-do)

125338-1 - 125338-13






Article number: 125338

Punktacja Ministerstwa / czasopismo


Impact Factor

5,6 [Lista 2023]

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