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Measurement verification of a field-circuit model of the wireless energy transmission system


[ 1 ] Instytut Elektrotechniki i Elektroniki Przemysłowej, Wydział Elektryczny, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Year of publication


Chapter type


Publication language


  • air-transformer
  • field-circuit model
  • wireless energy transmission

EN In the paper, the wireless transmission energy system (WTES) using the high-frequency air-transformer has been discussed and investigated. The considered system consists of two magnetically coupled coils, which have been connected to the elements of external circuits. To analyze the electromagnetic filed and to define the parameters of the considered system the field-circuit model has been elaborated in the Maxwell environment. In order to verify the calculation results obtained in the field-circuit model the experimental setup has been developed. The results of simulation calculations have been compared with the measurements obtained in the experimental setup.

Pages (from - to)

96 - 96


XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET’15 and Symposium on Electromagnetic Evaluation of Materials SEEM’15, Kołobrzeg, Poland, 7-10 June, 2015

Presented on

XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET’15 and Symposium on Electromagnetic Evaluation of Materials SEEM’15, 7-10.06.2015, Kołobrzeg, Poland

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