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Azimuthal Solar Synchronization and Aerodynamic Neuro-Optimization: An Empirical Study on Slime-Mold-Inspired Neural Networks for Solar UAV Range Optimization


[ 1 ] Instytut Robotyki i Inteligencji Maszynowej, Wydział Automatyki, Robotyki i Elektrotechniki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.2] Automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies

Year of publication


Published in

Applied Sciences

Journal year: 2024 | Journal volume: vol. 14 | Journal number: iss. 18

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • solar energy
  • aerodynamics
  • neural networks
  • evolutionary-based optimization
  • range optimization
  • UAVs
  • simulation

EN This study introduces a novel methodology for enhancing the efficiency of solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) through azimuthal solar synchronization and aerodynamic neuro-optimization, leveraging the principles of slime mold neural networks. The objective is to broaden the operational capabilities of solar UAVs, enabling them to perform over extended ranges and in varied weather conditions. Our approach integrates a computational model of slime mold networks with a simulation environment to optimize both the solar energy collection and the aerodynamic performance of UAVs. Specifically, we focus on improving the UAVs’ aerodynamic efficiency in flight, aligning it with energy optimization strategies to ensure sustained operation. The findings demonstrated significant improvements in the UAVs’ range and weather resilience, thereby enhancing their utility for a variety of missions, including environmental monitoring and search and rescue operations. These advancements underscore the potential of integrating biomimicry and neural-network-based optimization in expanding the functional scope of solar UAVs.

Pages (from - to)

8265-1 - 8265-19





Article number: 8265

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

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Impact Factor

2,5 [List 2023]

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