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Renewable Energy Investments in Poland: Goals, Socio-Economic Benefits, and Development Directions


[ 1 ] Instytut Zarządzania i Systemów Informacyjnych, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska | [ 2 ] Instytut Elektrotechniki i Elektroniki Przemysłowej, Wydział Automatyki, Robotyki i Elektrotechniki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee | [ S ] student

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.2] Automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies
[6.6] Management and quality studies

Year of publication


Published in


Journal year: 2024 | Journal volume: vol. 17 | Journal number: iss. 10

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • RES
  • investment management
  • RES socio-economic benefits
  • sustainable development goals
  • case study

EN Renewable energy sources (RES) will play a key role in the transition to clean energy. Financial and socio-economic benefits determine the investment management in these energy sources. This article aims to indicate current energy policy goals, present socio-economic benefits resulting from renewable energy investments, and review further development directions in Poland. The research was carried out using desk research, case studies, and literature review methods to provide a broader economic context for RES investments. The scope of the research included both the Polish and the European Union contexts. The authors examined the Polish objectives of investment in renewable energy contained in strategic, planning, and other legal documents compared to EU targets, reviewed possible investments in renewable energy, and indicated wind farms and photovoltaic investments as the most effective ones from the point of view of further development which aims to meet the EU’s goals by 2030. The authors also demonstrated a wide range of socio-economic benefits based on literature reviews, analysis of policy documents, and regulations regarding the energy sector, and examined a specific example of investment implementation and identified the ecosystem of beneficiaries and their benefits.

Pages (from - to)

2374-1 - 2374-20





Article number: 2374

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

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Impact Factor

3 [List 2023]

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