Use of the tuned multi-legs inductor in the device for improving a quality of electric energy
[ 1 ] Instytut Elektrotechniki i Elektroniki Przemysłowej, Wydział Automatyki, Robotyki i Elektrotechniki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee
[2.2] Automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies
- Adaptive compensator
- electric energy quality
- modeling magnetic elements
- power theory
- tuned inductor
EN The negative impact of nonlinear loads on the operation of the power grid is widely known phenomenon. Therefore, various types of “compensators” of reactive power or both reactive and distortion power are used in the electrical systems as a preventive measure. This work focuses on the idea of operation and possibility of use the tuned multi-legs inductor’s in the adaptive compensator. The resented by authors concept of inductor offers wider possibilities of power compensation in power supply systems then using classic solutions. The use of the inductor in adaptive compensator is only the example of its possible implementations in the power electronics area. In the work basics of the tuned inductor operation as well as results of its simulation model studies are presented.
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