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Precipitation of ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites in the presence of natural rubber latex and selected non-ionic surfactants


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej, Wydział Technologii Chemicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ D ] doktorant | [ P ] pracownik

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Pigment & Resin Technology

Rocznik: 2012 | Tom: vol. 41 | Numer: iss. 4

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • Composite materials
  • Chemical elements and inorganic compounds
  • Natural rubber
  • Surfactants
  • ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites
  • Precipitation
  • Surface functionalisation
  • Physico-chemical and dispersive properties

EN The purpose of this paper is to obtain ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites of low bulk density, high homogeneity and consisting of the smallest possible particles. The optimum parameters of precipitation of ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites impregnated with natural latex rubber were established. The formation and impregnation the ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites were made to occur simultaneously. The influence of non-ionic surfactants added during the precipitation process on the physico-chemical properties of the oxide systems obtained was investigated. The products were characterised by determination of bulk density, absorption capacities of water and paraffin oil, particle size distribution (applying NIBS and laser diffraction methods), as well as SEM observations of surface morphology and microstructure. Moreover, the colorimetric characteristics of the oxide composites obtained and sedimentation profiles in water were analysed. Energy-dispersive microanalysis of the products enabled determination of the content of ZnO and SiO2. The surface area (BET) and the size and volume of pores were also estimated. Modification of the oxide composites with nonylphenylpolyoxyethyleneglycol ethers was found to improve the basic physico-chemical parameters of the ZnO-SiO2 hybrid systems and to change the character of its surface to become more hydrophobic. The conditions in which samples with the best properties were obtained were concluded to be optimum. Only the selected non-ionic surfactants were applied as modifying agents of ZnO-SiO2. There is a possible application of ZnO-SiO2 oxide composites as activators of rubber compounds and barrier materials in textiles. The proposed method of ZnO-SiO2 oxide composite synthesis in the process of precipitation with simultaneous modification with non-ionic surfactants provides products with desirable dispersive-morphological parameters and a hydrophobic surface character.

Strony (od-do)

199 - 209



Impact Factor


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