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Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data from MV/LV Substations to Minimize Reactive Energy Supply Cost to Final Consumers


[ 1 ] Instytut Elektroenergetyki, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.10] Environmental engineering, mining and energy

Title variant

PL Wykorzystanie danych z inteligentnego systemu pomiarowego stacji elektroenergetycznych SN/nn w celu zminimalizowania kosztów dostarczania energii biernej do odbiorców końcowych

Year of publication


Published in


Journal year: 2024 | Journal volume: vol. 17 | Journal number: iss. 16

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • advanced metering infrastructure
  • distribution network
  • energy losses
  • reactive energy
  • reactive power compensation

EN This article presents an original methodology to determine the optimal level of reactive energy transmission to low-voltage consumers supplied from MV/LV substations that guarantees the lowest total costs of reactive energy transmission through the DSO network and its generation in receiving installations within the reactive power compensation process. The average value of the optimal factor tgφ to be maintained by customers depends on the efficiency of the network, the characteristics of the load, and the market costs of energy losses due to the transmission of reactive energy through the network that are covered by the DSO and the costs of reactive energy generation in receiving installations. The results presented for real MV/LV substations operating in the Polish distribution network demonstrate the application of annual measurements of active and reactive energy consumed and generated registered by AMI systems to calculate the optimal reactive power compensation level. They can be applied to verify the permissible levels of reactive energy compensation applied by the DSOs until now within the yearly tariffs for customers.

Pages (from - to)

4116-1 - 4116-24





Article number: 4116

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

Date of Open Access to the publication

at the time of publication

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Ministry points / journal


Impact Factor

3 [List 2023]

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