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Virtual Quality Toolbox as an Innovative Solution Supporting Lifelong Learning


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii Materiałów, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] pracownik

Dyscyplina naukowa (Ustawa 2.0)

[2.9] Inżynieria mechaniczna

Rok publikacji


Typ rozdziału

rozdział w monografii naukowej / referat

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • quality tools
  • Virtual Reality
  • production processes
  • SMEs
  • social innovation
  • Design Thinking

EN The article features the quality tools presentation and selection system for solving problems in production processes using the Virtual Reality (VR) technique. The system was created as a social innovation project in the area of adult lifelong learning. The main goal of the Authors’ application is to facilitate the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge related to the use of quality tools in SMEs’ everyday industrial practice. The solution is dedicated to production workers - including unskilled workers and those who resume education after a long break. The study carried out as part of the project has shown that one of the barriers in employee training is an inaccessible form of knowledge (text descriptions written in a language incomprehensible to production workers, no visual examples, complicated instructions and no practical guidelines for selecting a problem-solving tool). This obstacle was overcome by using in the developed prototype system immersive virtual reality techniques and the three-dimensional visualization of selected quality tools. The attractiveness of the software form was additionally enhanced by gamification techniques introduced into the system. The entire learning process allows session participants to experiment without consequences, giving them a sense of comfort. The solution testing phase has shown that this method of conveying information - i.e. using only interactive visualization displayed in a 3D helmet - eliminates shortcomings of the form and makes the acquisition of knowledge in the area of quality tools more effective than in the case of traditional forms of teaching. The system consists of two main components. The first component is a virtual reality platform (an application for Windows and Android devices) that works with popular VR helmets, including two operation paths: 1) learning about quality tools in the training mode (for beginners) and 2) system of prompts for the selection of an appropriate tool (for previously trained users). The second component is a quality tools database (with their selection scenarios) in a visual form, being an integral part of the platform and the beginning of the future educational library. The quality tools presentation and selection system was created as part of the PO-POJUTRZE (Eng. “After tomorrow”) project, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund (ESF) programme.

Strony (od-do)

15 - 21


International Scientific & Business Quality Congress : Effective Education and Training for Quality Management - Key Factor for Success, June 29-30, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia : congress proceedings

Zaprezentowany na

International Scientific & Business Quality Congress : Effective Education & Quality Management - Key Factor for Success, 29-30.06.2021, Belgrade, Serbia

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