Search results (817)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- Food and Bioproducts Processing 0960-3085 1744-3571 Institution of Chemical Engineers 140
- Food and Chemical Toxicology 0278-6915 1873-6351 Elsevier 100
- Food Biophysics 1557-1858 1557-1866 Springer 70
- Food Bioscience 2212-4292 2212-4306 70
- Food Chemistry 0308-8146 1873-7072 Elsevier 200
- Food Hydrocolloids 0268-005X 1873-7137 140
- Food Packaging and Shelf Life 2214-2894 2214-2894 Elsevier 100
- Food Research International 0963-9969 1873-7145 Elsevier 140
- Foods 2304-8158 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Food Science and Technology International 1082-0132 1532-1738 SAGE Publications Ltd 40
- Food Technology and Biotechnology 1330-9862 1334-2606 Faculty Food Technology Biotechnology Univ Zagreb, Croatia 40
- Forests 1999-4907 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Foundations of Science 1233-1821 140
- Fractals 0218-348X 1793-6543 World Scientific 100
- Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 1018-4619 1610-2304 Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP) 20
- Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2296-4185 Frontiers Media S.A., Switzerland 100
- Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2235-2988 Frontiers Media SA 100
- Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 1662-5102 Frontiers Media SA 100
- Frontiers in Environmental Science 2296-665X 100
- Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 2297-3079 Frontiers Media S.A., Switzerland 20
- Frontiers in Microbiology 1664-302X Frontiers Media S.A., Switzerland 100
- Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 1662-5099 Frontiers Media SA 140
- Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X Frontiers Media SA 100
- Frontiers of Materials Science 2095-025X 2095-0268 40
- Fuel 0016-2361 1873-7153 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 1536-383X 1536-4046 Taylor & Francis 40
- Functional and Integrative Genomics 1438-793X 1438-7948 Springer Nature 100
- Gels 2310-2861 MDPI AG 20
- Gene 0378-1119 1879-0038 Elsevier 70
- Genes 2073-4425 US National Library of Medicine 100
- Genomics Data 2213-5960 Elsevier 70
- Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 1898-1135 2300-7095 Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie 70
- Gerontechnology 1569-1101 1569-111X International Society for Gerontechnology 20
- GIANT 2666-5425 2666-5425 20
- GigaScience 2047-217X Oxford University Press 200
- Globalization and Health 1744-8603 BioMed Central 100
- Green Chemistry 1463-9262 1463-9270 Royal Society of Chemistry 200
- Haematologica 0390-6078 1592-8721 Ferrata Storti Foundation 140
- Health Care Management Science 1386-9620 1572-9389 100
- Health Policy and Technology 2211-8837 70
- Heliyon 2405-8440 2405-8440 Elsevier 40
- Heterocyclic Communications 0793-0283 2191-0197 20
- High Temperature Material Processes 1093-3611 1940-4360 Begell House 20
- Holzforschung (HF) 0018-3830 1437-434X De Gruyter 100
- Human Movement 1732-3991 De Gruyter Open 40
- IEEE Access 2169-3536 IEEE 100
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 1545-5963 1557-9964 IEEE 70
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766 2377-3766 IEEE 200
- IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 1536-1241 1558-2639 IEEE 70
- IET Systems Biology 1751-8849 1751-8857 IET 40
- Indian Journal of Ecology 0304-5250 20
- Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 0971-4588 0975-1017 National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) 40
- Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 0971-1627 2456-4311 Connect Journals 20
- Indian Journal of Microbiology 0046-8991 0973-7715 Springer 40
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 0019-5464 0019-5464 Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India 20
- Industrial Crops and Products 0926-6690 1872-633X Elsevier 200
- Infection, Genetics and Evolution 1567-1348 1567-7257 Elsevier 100
- Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 2352-9148 Elsevier 40
- Infrastructures 2412-3811 20
- Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 1466-8564 1878-5522 Elsevier B.V. 140
- Insects 2075-4450 100
- Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 1913-2751 1867-1462 Springer Nature 40
- International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 0964-8305 1879-0208 Elsevier Ltd 140
- International Dairy Journal 0958-6946 1879-0143 Elsevier 100
- International Dental Journal 0020-6539 1875-595X Wiley-Blackwell 100
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 0363-9061 1096-9853 Wiley-Blackwell 140
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2040-7939 2040-7947 John Wiley & Sons 100
- International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 0143-7496 1879-0127 Elsevier B.V. 100
- International Journal of Applied Glass Science 2041-1286 2041-1294 Wiley-Blackwell 100
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 0218-1274 1793-6551 World Scientific 70
- International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 1357-2725 1878-5875 Elsevier 100
- International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0141-8130 1879-0003 Elsevier 100
- International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1861-6410 1861-6429 70
- International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1056-7895 1530-7921 SAGE Publications Ltd 100
- International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 1755-7437 1755-7445 WIT Press 70
- International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 1642-3593 2080-3397 Elsevier 100
- International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 1879-2197 Elsevier 200
- International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0306-7319 1029-0397 Taylor & Francis 40
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 1661-7827 1660-4601 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 20
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1735-1472 1735-2630 Springer 70
- International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 1741-5101 IJEP - Inderscience Publishers 20
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 0020-7403 1879-2162 Elsevier 140
- International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 1569-1713 1573-8841 Springer Nature 70
- International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics 2559-6497 2559-4397 Cefin Publishing House 20
- International Journal of Medical Informatics 1386-5056 1872-8243 Elsevier 140
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1107-3756 1791-244X Spandidos Publications 70
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences 1661-6596 1422-0067 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 140
- International journal of nanomedicine 1176-9114 1178-2013 Dove Press Ltd 140
- International Journal of Oncology 1019-6439 1791-2423 Spandidos Publications 100
- International Journal of Pharmaceutics 0378-5173 1873-3476 Elsevier 100
- International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X 2590-1567 2590-1567 Elsevier 20
- International Journal of Photoenergy 1110-662X 1687-529X Hindawi 40
- International Journal of Phytoremediation 1522-6514 1549-7879 Taylor & Francis 100
- International Journal of Plasticity 0749-6419 1879-2154 Elsevier B.V. 200
- International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 1023-666X 1563-5341 Taylor & Francis 70
- International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 0091-4037 1563-535X International Society for Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials 70
- International Journal of Polymer Science 1687-9422 1687-9430 Hindawi Publishing Corporation 40
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology 2288-6206 2198-0810 200
- International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 0308-0161 1879-3541 Elsevier 140
- International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 1049-8923 1099-1239 John Wiley & Sons 140
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