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Influence of the Addition of Sialon and Aluminum Nitride Fillers on the Photocuring Process of Polymer Coatings


[ 1 ] Instytut Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej, Wydział Technologii Chemicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ 2 ] Instytut Konstrukcji Maszyn, Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Politechnika Poznańska | [ P ] employee | [ D ] phd student

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[2.9] Mechanical engineering
[7.6] Chemical sciences

Year of publication


Published in


Journal year: 2022 | Journal volume: vol. 12 | Journal number: iss. 10

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • aluminum nitride
  • sialon
  • UV-curable coating
  • UV-curing kinetics
  • hydrophobicity
  • thermal properties
  • surface wettability

EN This article presents the results of a study on polymer coatings containing poly ethoxylated bisphenol A diacrylate (Bis-AEA10) with aluminum silicon nitride oxide (Sialon) and aluminum nitride (AlN). The polymer coatings were obtained by the photopolymerization technique. Investigations were carried out to determine the effect of the AlN and Sialon content on the UV-curing kinetics, as well as on the mechanical (hardness), thermal (Tg, thermal stability), physicochemical (water contact angle), and structural properties of the polymer coatings. Polymerization rates were characterized as functions of double-bond conversion using the photo-Differential Scanning Calorymetry technique (photo-DSC). The results obtained showed that a small addition of sialon filler (3–5 wt.%) to Bis-AEA10 increases the photopolymerization rate of the varnish, while the addition of more Sialon decreases the rate of photopolymerization. However, for the systems containing AlN filler, the maximum polymerization rate was observed for samples containing 10 wt.% filler. In the case of a varnish composition containing AlN, the maximum polymerization rate is characterized by the system containing 10 wt.% of AlN. This shows that the AlN filler has a good influence on the polymerization process. In either case, the final double bond conversion was high (80%–95%). Mechanical tests have shown that introducing the filler into the polymer matrix increases its hardness. The content of Sialon and AlN in the coatings causes an increase (up to 4–5 wt.%) and a decrease (>4–5 wt.%) in the glass transition temperature. The effect of the addition of fillers on the physicochemical properties of the coating surface has also been investigated and characterized by the water contact angle method. The addition of 20 wt.% Sialon and AlN increased the contact angle of the samples by approximately 40% and 31%, respectively, resulting in coatings with hydrophobic surface properties.

Pages (from - to)

1 - 13




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CC BY (attribution alone)

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open journal

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