Search results (216)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 0365-0359 1825-1242 Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti 20
- Abstract and Applied Analysis 1085-3375 1687-0409 Hindawi Publishing Corporation 40
- Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 1406-2283 2228-4699 University of Tartu Press 20
- Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0236-5294 Akademiai Kiado 40
- Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 1439-8516 1439-7617 70
- Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 0231-6986 0862-9544 20
- Advances in Computational Mathematics 1019-7168 1572-9044 Springer 100
- Advances in Difference Equations 1687-1847 1687-1847 Springer 20
- Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 0973-5321 20
- Advances in Mathematics 0001-8708 1090-2082 200
- Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1095-0761 1095-0753 International Press of Boston 100
- Aequationes Mathematicae 0001-9054 1420-8903 Springer 70
- Algorithmica 0178-4617 1432-0541 Springer 70
- Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Matematica 1221-8421 Universitatii Al.I.Cuza din Iasi 20
- Analysis in Theory and Applications 1672-4070 1573-8175 Springer 20
- Analysis Mathematica 0133-3852 1588-273X Akadémiai Kiadó 40
- Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica 1239-629X 1798-2383 Academia Scientiarum Fennica 20
- Annales Polonici Mathematici 0066-2216 1730-6272 70
- Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1452-8630 1452-8630 University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering 70
- Applied and Computational Mathematics 2328-5605 2328-5613 Science Publishing Group 70
- Applied Mathematical Modelling 0307-904X 1872-8480 Elsevier 100
- Applied Mathematics and Computation 0096-3003 1873-5649 Elsevier 100
- Applied Mathematics and Mechanics : English Edition 0253-4827 1573-2754 Shanghai University 70
- Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1607-2510 Hsinchu: Department of Mathematics Tsing Hua University 20
- Applied Numerical Mathematics 0168-9274 1873-5460 Elsevier 70
- Archiv der Mathematik 0003-889X 1420-8938 70
- Archives of Control Sciences 1230-2384 2300-2611 Polish Academy of Sciences 100
- Archivum Mathematicum 0044-8753 The European Digital Mathematics Library 20
- Ars Combinatoria 0381-7032 Charles Babbage Research Centre 20
- BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS 0137-6934 Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences 20
- Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2662-2033 1735-8787 Tusi Mathematical Research Group 70
- Bioinformatics 1367-4803 1460-2059 Oxford University Press 200
- Biometrical Journal 0323-3847 1521-4036 Wiley 100
- Biometrical Letters 1896-3811 2199-577X Polskie Towarzystwo Biometryczne 20
- Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1370-1444 2034-1970 Project Euclid 70
- Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 1678-7544 1678-7714 Springer 40
- Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 0126-6705 2180-4206 Springer 70
- Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics 0239-7269 1732-8985 Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk 40
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics 0008-414X 1496-4279 Cambridge University Press 100
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 0008-4395 1496-4287 70
- Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 1584-2851 1843-4401 North University of Baia Mare 40
- Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 0960-0779 1873-2887 Elsevier Ltd 70
- Collectanea Mathematica 0010-0757 2038-4815 Springer 70
- Colloquium Mathematicum 0010-1354 1730-6302 70
- Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 0010-2628 1213-7243 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague 40
- Communications Biology 2399-3642 Springer Nature 20
- Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0361-0918 1532-4141 Taylor & Francis 40
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0361-0926 1532-415X Taylor & Francis 40
- COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0332-1649 Emerald 40
- Complexity 1076-2787 1099-0526 Hindawi, Wiley 70
- Comptes Rendus Mathematique 1631-073X 1778-3569 Academie des Sciences 70
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748-670X 1748-6718 Hindawi 20
- Computational Methods for Differential Equations 2345-3982 2383-2533 University of Tabriz 20
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 0167-9473 1872-7352 Elsevier 100
- Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 2299-3649 2956-5839 Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN 70
- Computer Science 1508-2806 2300-7036 AGH University of Science and Technology Press 40
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications 0898-1221 1873-7668 Elsevier 140
- Control and Cybernetics 0324-8569 Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences 40
- Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 0011-4642 1572-9141 40
- Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services 1896-8325 2300-7087 AGH University of Science and Technology Press 20
- Demonstratio Mathematica 0420-1213 2391-4661 De Gruyter 20
- Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 0971-3514 0974-6870 40
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 1531-3492 1553-524X American Institut of Mathematical Sciences 100
- Discrete Applied Mathematics 0166-218X 1872-6771 Elsevier 70
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X Hindawi Publishing Corporation 40
- Discrete Mathematics 0012-365X 1872-681X Elsevier 100
- Discrete Optimization 1572-5286 Elsevier 70
- DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS 1056-2176 Dynamic Publishers 20
- Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1537-9582 1081-3810 International Linear Algebra Society 70
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1417-3875 Univ Szeged, Bolyai Institute 40
- Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 1571-0653 Elsevier 40
- European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2411-958X 2411-4138 European Center for Science Education and Research 20
- Extremes 1386-1999 1572-915X Springer Nature 100
- Fractal and Fractional 2504-3110 MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 20
- Fractals 0218-348X 1793-6543 World Scientific 100
- Functional Differential Equations 0793-1786 2617-8605 Ariel University, Ariel, ISRAEL 20
- Fundamenta Informaticae 0169-2968 1875-8681 Polish Mathematical Society 70
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 1872-6801 Elsevier 140
- Glasnik Matematicki 0017-095X 1846-7989 University of Zagreb 40
- Graphs and Combinatorics 0911-0119 1435-5914 Springer 70
- Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2651-477X 2651-477X 40
- Houston Journal of Mathematics 0362-1588 40
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2329-924X 2329-924X IEEE 100
- Indagationes Mathematicae 0019-3577 1872-6100 Elsevier 70
- Indian Journal of Mathematics 0019-5324 The Allahabad Mathematical Society 20
- Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0019-5588 0975-7465 Springer 20
- Integral Equations and Operator Theory 0378-620X 1420-8989 Springer 100
- Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1065-2469 1476-8291 Taylor & Franncis Online 70
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1641-876X 2083-8492 University of Zielona Góra 100
- International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 0218-1274 1793-6551 World Scientific 70
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 40
- International Journal of Dynamics and Control 2195-268X 2195-2698 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 40
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0161-1712 1687-0425 Hindawi Limited 20
- International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 2692-6148 2690-6805 20
- International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 0961-5539 1758-6585 Emerald Publishing Ltd 100
- International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 0894-3370 1099-1204 40
- Inverse Problems 0266-5611 1361-6420 IOP Publishing 100
- Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1741-5977 1741-5985 Taylor & Francis 20
- Journal of Applied Logic 1570-8683 Elsevier 40
- Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X Hindawi Publishing 40
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